Archive for being single

WORK STORY: Dogs….good kind and bad kind

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on April 14, 2013 by islandjenn

Bad Dogs : Particular customer comes in and lays the compliments(pick up lines) so thick you would need a butcher knife to cut through them. Happened to have one of regular customers in the store and I said, “OMG watch this! Seriously…just listen, this guy is gonna go balls to the wall with the compliments and pick-up lines”…he comes in, i am using my brain to try and think of words not to encourage anything. He says, “How are you this fine day?”…i choose my answer carefully,….”Just perfect , thanks.”…wrong one…he says, “I know,… why do you think I keep coming back?”…regular customer is laughing….must choose responses a little more wisely, like maybe “I have really bad diarrhea”…as he is leaving he says, “And you smell good too”….I said, “Thanks…showering once in awhile is a good thing I guess?” he obviously had no clue about my potential diarhhea answer lol……eww yukk blekkk..i wonder if I had passed gas if he would be so full of compliments?…damn wish I could fart on demand

Good Dogs: Super stoked my “Dolly” came in!!! She is the golden retriever I have posted pics of before .Apparently she does not accept or eat treats from anyone else. Today as they were walking through the door , I got doggy level and squealed “Dolly!!!!!”…she came gangbusters at me, kisses and all…but then as usual runs to owner as if to say, “I LOVE YOU THE MOSTEST!!!”…owner says, “Go give Jenn kisses and get your treat!” ..she comes full speed, I get my kisses, she sits like a good pup and got her treat.  Highlight of my day when she comes in. Owner tells me she knows when I am working…and she goes all batshit crazy excited!….again the little things folks…she makes my day!  and I like knowing I make hers =)

Milestones….achieving them is F*cking Awesome!

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , on March 27, 2013 by islandjenn

The first milestone I made, was a very big one for me and has been the reason for many more to follow. Divorce.

Being a stay at home Mom for the past 16yrs, meant my life was spent raising my girls. I cooked, cleaned, nurtured etc. I did not have a job, did not pay the bills, did not do most of the things “Guys” usually do, like mow the lawn,go to work, chop wood, put oil/coolant in the car, take out garbage , re-fill propane tanks etc. I have successfully done all of those things this year, plus a few more.

And as of about 30min’s ago, I just filed my first tax return in over 17years!!! BY MYSELF!!! Holy shit!!! I am beyond excited as I was stressing pretty good on that one. I was also stressing on the deposit the power company required for me to open a new account, it was more than ridiculous and there was no possible way i could pay it. Yesterday my guardian angels were hard at work! Somehow, after calling the power company and explaining, they removed the required deposit!!!! The whole damn thing!!! I actually got a little teary on the phone with the woman trying to express my gratitude. Talk about enormous financial burden lifted!!!! So I figured since yesterday worked out so well, I’d go balls to the wall and tackle stress #2. Taxes.

NAILED IT!!! Thank you turbo tax!!!

So yes, I am completely aware that most people do all of this stuff and it’s no big deal. But it’s a big fucking deal to me! Each task I feared, each one I have conquered.I have proven to no one other than myself, that I can do it. Yes it’s still scary, but my journey is well on it’s way, and these little milestones I have achieved are making me stronger, and more confident.  And while I am horrible at accepting compliments, for just this once, I will give myself one…WAY TO GO JENN!!! YOU GOT THIS !!!!! YOU fucking rock right now!

I do believe I shall cook a lovely supper and raise a glass toasting all single Mum’s who have also been through this, and to those going through it, and to those like me who feared going through it so much that they stay stuck. You can do it! I did =)

I absolutely MUST acknowledge the amazing friends and family that I have. There are a few special ones who have helped me through some funky moments, thank you. You know who you are 😉

“Some Days….”

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , on February 26, 2013 by islandjenn

Being a single Mom ain’t easy. Some days you feel like the queen of England, all empowered and shit, others you feel like a complete and utter failure. Some days you love the power of being alone, others you wish you had a mate who loved you deeply.

Some days you wish you could magically transport yourself to somewhere tropical because those dishes in the sink and clothes in the hamper just piss you off.

Some days you feel as accomplished as Oprah because you took kids to school, worked a full day, did that laundry, cooked a good meal and even remembered to set the coffee maker for the next morning.

Some days you are inspired and excited for what the future might hold, others make you question the choices you have made and make you ask yourself if you’re doing the right thing.

Some days you feel like you’re having the best hair day ever and no one is around to admire it, others you shove it in a ponytail and it feels like everyone and their brother notices.

Some days you laugh, others you cry.

Some days you see the incredible beauty in your children, others you feel like that last nerve they were getting on just flew out the window.

Some days you wonder how you are going to put food on the table and others you think you might be able to splurge and buy a latte.

There are a million “some days”…but I will tell you what…every day is a day that you get up, love your kids fiercely and bust your ass, no matter what.

 I’m allowed to dream. I’m allowed to pursue happiness. I’m allowed to have shitty days. I’m allowed to be afraid sometimes. I’m allowed to make mistakes….but more than anything, I’m allowed to be me. And even if no one else thinks so, I’m allowed to tell myself, I am awesome.

I’m on a new journey in life, and I write this blog, not to whine or complain, but to remind myself to have faith and hope, that amazing and fabulous things will happen.